Diesel Engine Oils

Hyrax Enduro SP is highly recommended for severe duty high-performance diesel engines including the latest low-emission engines fitted with EGR system, both on-highway and off-highway such as off-road trucks, construction equipment and power generators operating under extended drain condition as specified by OEMs. It is also suitable for light-duty trucks, four wheel drives (4WD) and sport utility vehicles (SUVs) application.
- API CI-4 / SL
- ACEA E5 / E7
- MTU Type 2
- MAN 3275
- Cummins CES 20078
- Renault RLD-2
- Deutz DQC III-10
- Volvo VDS-3
- Mercedes-Benz MB p228.3
- Mack EO-N
- Global DHD-1
Hyrax Enduro SP is an SAE 10W-40 extreme performance synthetic blend multigrade diesel engine oils engineered exclusively to exceed the most stringent and severe lubrication requirement of the latest European high-output, low-emission, heavy duty diesel engines including those fitted with Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system as well as the older turbo-charged engines burning low sulphur or conventional high sulphur diesel fuel and operating under the most extreme service conditions and extended oil drain intervals.
Hyrax Enduro SP is specially designed to provide excellent engine cleanliness, excellent low temperature fluidity, excellent thermal and oxidation stability and exceptional wear protection to all engine parts even for long drain interval engine operation.
Hyrax Enduro SP is specially designed to provide excellent engine cleanliness, excellent low temperature fluidity, excellent thermal and oxidation stability and exceptional wear protection to all engine parts even for long drain interval engine operation.
- Excellent anti-wear and anti-scuff properties to prolong engine life
- Excellent thermal and oxidation stability to minimize oil thickening, high temperature deposits, sludge build-up and oil degradation
- Exceptional detergent and dispersant properties minimize deposit formation at critical engine parts and prevent soot-induced engine wear
- Contains high alkalinity reserve for extended drain service
- Excellent shear stability properties to ensure consistent oil viscosity for optimum engine operation
Typical Characteristics
Properties | Method | SAE 10W-40 |
Appearance Density at 15oC, Kg/L Flash Point, oC Pour Point, oC Viscosity at 40oC, cSt Viscosity at 100oC, cSt Viscosity Index Total Base Number, | ASTM D4052 ASTM D92 ASTM D97 ASTM D445 ASTM D2270 ASTM D2896 | 0.864 >210 -33 96.7 14.6 157 10.5 |